Turbo Stick

Turbo Stick

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Regular price $35.00 Sale

Eye Candy on a stick!

Magician Leo Smetsers has produced a paddle that is made from 100% dry erase board. Whatever you write or draw on the paddle can immediately be wiped clean with your fingers. Draw anything on the paddle, transform it and then wipe it all clean in one swipe of the fingers. Turbo Stick allows you to perform almost any paddle trick... in one paddle!

In addition to the dry erase board paddle, you will also receive a instructional, training video explaining routines, ideas and concepts to use with your Turbo Stick.



12 moments of wow in under a minute. X's vanish, appear, transpose and multiply in rapid succession ending with an amazing visual production of the marker that you used at the beginning of the effect. You start and end clean. This is the perfect opening effect for table hoppers and working pros.


Red dots appear, disappear and multiply, ending by watching one of the dots visibly transforming into a sponge ball, this is repeated with a second sponge in an even more visual fashion, leaving you perfectly clean at the end with everything examinable. The perfect visual eye candy intro to your sponge ball routine!

Name Game:

Letters drawn on the Turbo Stick, begin to vanish and rearrange themselves, ending with the letters visibly transforming into the spectator's very own name! Once again, everything is immediately wiped clean, leaving you clean and immediately reset for another performance!

Any Time Hot Rod:

Draw any six objects on your Turbo Stick and have the spectator choose one. The magic starts to happen when the objects start to vanish, one by one, leaving you with only their selected object. As a crazy kicker, the paddle immediately becomes filled with their selected object one both sides! One swipe of your fingers and everything wipes away clean to end!

PLUS: Amazing production ideas, alternative endings, tips and more!

Turbo Stick, the paddle trick redefined!


  • "I do a lot of table hopping at restaurants and bars. Its a great trick to open up with. There is so many thing you can do with it. Your not just stuck doing the old HOT ROD trick !!!!!!!! I love it. Buy it NOW...."
    Chris Cline
  • "When I saw this first hit the market I knew I would like it. After getting it and working it, I can safely say this will stay in my act. Easy and practical. I love this thing"
    Ryan Bliss
  • "Great reactions. Totally practical. Not a card trick. Is an entire little routine rather than one second of magic. Compare this to the thing you spent 50 bucks for that is over in flash and leaves your spectators waiting for something else to happen. Starts and ends clean if you were inclined to hand out the paddle. If are you are new to magic (I am not), an excellent beginner trick to work on your presentation. If you are experience and passing this by because it is too obvious be my guest, but I have had great luck with this"
    Xcath1 from Chicago
  • "If you've ever used a hot rod, or any other paddle, this is the Grail of paddle tricks! 100% customizable. Richard Sanders always does a top notch job at showing you tons of different effects and handling. Even if you've never owned a hot rod, you'll be using this great prop within minutes! Very easy and entertaining :)"
    Cool4cats from Moncton
  • Full Training DVD
  • Custom designed Dry Erase Turbo Stick
  • 6 killer routines and ideas
  • Easy to do
  • Instant reset
  • more